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Is It Worth Buying Skyrim Special Edition

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The Elder Scrolls Skyrim was originally released November 11, 2011. This game was an epic undertaking for anyone that attempted to complete it. It took so much time that many loved ones wondered if we would ever stop playing. So once we finished the game what happened? DLC that added another 40 hours of gameplay and all the while us PC gamers got to enjoy mods created by the community. These mods added hours of extra gameplay with quests and gave us armor that made our Dovahkiin look amazing. A normal game would have only seen a few good years of life but not Skyrim. With it's modding community the game thrived for five years and mods are still being made for the community to enjoy. Some modders even gained careers from their hard work on mods for this game. Take the mod creator of Falskaa, Alexander J. Velicky, scored a job at Bungie for his 2000 hours of hard work on a mod that added a whole new land to explore. So what does this have to do with the Special Edition of Skyrim that dropped on October 28, 2016? Everything!

  1. Is Skyrim Worth Buying
  2. Is It Worth Buying Skyrim Special Edition Cheats

You can get the Special Edition if you want, but you'd be better off buying vanilla Skyrim (its cheaper) and simply modding it. There are mods that make Skyrim look better than any current console. Im not an expert girl in these matters, thats why Im asking you guys. A while ago I looked at photographs of Skyrim Special Edition And I was not surprised at all, my old Skyrim Legendary Edition looks 50 times better, so is it worth it to spend so much time again to modify the game when the old. Improved lighting, textures, and shorter loading times, Peter details Skyrim Special Edition and lets us know if it's worth the price tag.Subscribe to GameSp.

The console gamers who never switched to the pc version of this game have missed out on almost five full years of amazing mods. What's great about the Special Edition version of Skyrim is that it offers console gamers the chance to try some of the mods that made this game great. Changing all spiders into Spider-Man for example, is now possible on the console. New quests can be downloaded and cheats are even now possible for the console gamer that longs to be the best in the land. But is this game worth your hard earned cash? Well here's a bonus. If you have already purchased the game and all the DLC on the PC, well you've already got it. That's right, check your steam library right now! As a way of thanking us who bought and devoured every part of this game, Bethesda gave us the game for free.

But for everyone else this is a hard question to answer. If you're reading this article then chances are you're at least interested in the prospect of owning this game. Now there is no question in most peoples minds, if you've never played this game, then of course you should pick it up now and the special edition version is the one you want. But if you've played the game then should you get it? Yes and no. Graphics have been revamped and there are more trees and things in the game. However if you're looking for new quests and for huge differences, then you're out of luck. This is simply a remastered version of the game. If you beat it in 2012 (unless you were crazy and beat it in a month) then you know what's gonna happen and nothing is different. A graphical revamp is not really worth dropping $59.99 on this game.

Now don't get me wrong this game is great and will be remembered as a classic game. It changed the way a lot of us thought about an RPG game and gave us the epic feeling of fighting gigantic creatures. Though Dragons and flying baddies might be standard fan fare now, they were rare and not well done up until Skyrim came along. And on that merit alone it might be worth another visit to Skyrim. So unless you can't wait to get your hands on some awesome mods for your Skyrim, I'd recommend waiting until this one takes a price drop. Or you could always get a it on PC during a steam sale and experience the mods there. Android phone transfer tool. Honestly a heavily modded version of Skyrim looks better than the remaster version anyways. Problem with this train of thought is that modding the original PC version of the game almost takes a PhD to make sure you don't break your game so badly that you have to reinstall it to fix what you broke.

As for me I am enjoying my time revisiting Skyrim. The old quests that I still have knocking around in my brain, refreshed as my new character charges into dungeons, it's truly a fun experience that I find worth having again. But not all are as nostalgic as me. I am a retro gamer in an ever changing gaming environment who plays for substance over difficulty and story over fancy graphics. A game like Skyrim hits all my needs and wants in a video game and I don't regret diving in once again.


  • Improved Graphics

  • Familiar Story

  • Dragon Fights

  • 100+ hours of content


  • Mods turn off achievements

  • Modded PC version looks better than Special Edition

  • Modds are limited


Rating 8/10

Although Skyrim was released many years ago, it is still breaking the charts of the top grossing games and always keeps updated by Bethesda.

Now, there are four editions of Skyrim available: Standard, Legendary, Special, and VR.

And while it is easy to understand what the Standard and VR version is all about, you might question about the differences between Skyrim Legendary and Special Edition.

Therefore, to answer all of your questions, I have made this comparison of Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary.

So, after reading this article, you will have no doubts about which edition you should buy. Android phone simulator.

Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary. Differences

Is Skyrim Worth Buying

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is a remastered version of Skyrim Legendary Edition which means that by buying the Special Edition, you will get all the additional content available in Legendary Edition such as Legendary difficulty mode, combat modes, Legendary skills, and all official DLCs with the following upgrades:

1. Improved Graphics

Firstly, Bethesda's developers have enhanced the graphical game components of the Special Edition significantly, so if you are a fan of a quality picture, you will definitely like this one.

Moreover, unlike the Legendary Edition, it supports 4K for both PS4 Pro and PC.

2. PC Optimization

The second difference between Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary is that Special Edition supports 64-bit PCs.

Thus, if you are having a modern desktop, you will experience fewer crashes and bugs.

3. Console Mods

Lastly, in Special Edition, you can play user-created mods that had been blocked from PS4 by Sony a long time ago.

Also, it is much easier to make them yourself now.

Does Skyrim Special Edition Come With DLC?

Yes, Skyrim Special Edition comes with all official DLCs such as Dawnguard (fight the Vampire Lord or join him), Hearthfire (build your own home), and Dragonborn (tame the dragons).

Is It Worth Buying Skyrim Special Edition Cheats

Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary. Video

Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary. System Requirements

Skyrim Special Edition

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit Version)
  • Processor: Intel i5-750/AMD Phenom II X4-945
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Disk Space: 12 GB
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 470 1GB /AMD HD 7870 2GB
  • Sound: DirectX compatible sound card

Skyrim Legendary Edition

  • Operating System: Windows 7+/Vista/XP (32 or 64 bit)
  • Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Disk Space: 6GB
  • Graphics Card: Direct X 9.0 video card with 512 MB of RAM
  • Sound: DirectX compatible sound card
Is It Worth Buying Skyrim Special Edition

Rating 8/10

Although Skyrim was released many years ago, it is still breaking the charts of the top grossing games and always keeps updated by Bethesda.

Now, there are four editions of Skyrim available: Standard, Legendary, Special, and VR.

And while it is easy to understand what the Standard and VR version is all about, you might question about the differences between Skyrim Legendary and Special Edition.

Therefore, to answer all of your questions, I have made this comparison of Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary.

So, after reading this article, you will have no doubts about which edition you should buy. Android phone simulator.

Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary. Differences

Is Skyrim Worth Buying

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is a remastered version of Skyrim Legendary Edition which means that by buying the Special Edition, you will get all the additional content available in Legendary Edition such as Legendary difficulty mode, combat modes, Legendary skills, and all official DLCs with the following upgrades:

1. Improved Graphics

Firstly, Bethesda's developers have enhanced the graphical game components of the Special Edition significantly, so if you are a fan of a quality picture, you will definitely like this one.

Moreover, unlike the Legendary Edition, it supports 4K for both PS4 Pro and PC.

2. PC Optimization

The second difference between Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary is that Special Edition supports 64-bit PCs.

Thus, if you are having a modern desktop, you will experience fewer crashes and bugs.

3. Console Mods

Lastly, in Special Edition, you can play user-created mods that had been blocked from PS4 by Sony a long time ago.

Also, it is much easier to make them yourself now.

Does Skyrim Special Edition Come With DLC?

Yes, Skyrim Special Edition comes with all official DLCs such as Dawnguard (fight the Vampire Lord or join him), Hearthfire (build your own home), and Dragonborn (tame the dragons).

Is It Worth Buying Skyrim Special Edition Cheats

Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary. Video

Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary. System Requirements

Skyrim Special Edition

  • Operating System: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit Version)
  • Processor: Intel i5-750/AMD Phenom II X4-945
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Disk Space: 12 GB
  • Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 470 1GB /AMD HD 7870 2GB
  • Sound: DirectX compatible sound card

Skyrim Legendary Edition

  • Operating System: Windows 7+/Vista/XP (32 or 64 bit)
  • Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Disk Space: 6GB
  • Graphics Card: Direct X 9.0 video card with 512 MB of RAM
  • Sound: DirectX compatible sound card

Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary. Where to Buy?

Unfortunately, after the release of Special Edition, there is no more Skyrim Legendary Edition on Steam available and you can buy it only from the official Steam key resellers such as Green Man Gaming.

So, if you have a slow PC or you are a fan of a good old version of Skyrim, you can buy it here –

Otherwise, you should go for a Special Edition which you can buy on Steam –


External storage device for ps4. I hope my article was useful and now you know the difference between Skyrim Special Edition vs Legendary and you are ready to buy the best option for you.

If it is a Special Edition, you can find it on Steam.

In case you prefer Legendary, there is no way to buy it on Steam anymore, so click on the button below to buy it from the official Steam key reseller.

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